A Message To Penn State Students And Their Parents

While it may be convenient to simply enter a guilty plea and be done with the matter oftentimes that is not the correct decision. Even a minor criminal record can be a permanent criminal record that could prevent the person from obtaining a job or license years after graduation from college. At , we make every effort to avoid leaving a person with a permanent criminal record. In those instances where the record cannot be avoided, there are steps that can be taken to lessen the impact on a person’s future.

Many of the clients at are Penn State students who have had a minor run-in with the law. Oftentimes they are charged with such criminal offenses as underage drinking, retail theft or disorderly conduct.

Don’t be tempted to enter a guilty plea on what may appear to be a minor criminal matter, just to get it out of the way. Make sure that you explore all options and understand what impact your decision may have on your future by speaking with a lawyer.

Free Consultations

Contact at 814-753-4413 for a free initial consultation and case evaluation with a knowledgeable State College attorney and dedicated client advocate. Attorney Lisko also welcomes your emails.