Driving In the Snow

Although winter is almost over in most of Pennsylvania, there are certainly snow dates ahead. If you will be driving in snowy conditions here are some things to consider. Make sure you leave enough room between you and the car in front of you. On slippery roads you...

Do I Need More Than Minimum Car Insurance?

Most people are looking to save money wherever they can and often they may get the minimum amount of car insurance. In Pennsylvania that is a $15,000 liability limit meaning that your insurance company will pay up to $15,000 if you cause injury to someone else. If you...

The cost of distracted driving

You let your girlfriend drive your new car. You knew she was a good driver, but you had a bad feeling about it nonetheless. When the other driver swerved into your lane on the highway, pushing you off the highway, your car flipped over. The driver to this day cannot...

Hot Dogs And Cats

The Pennsylvania State House recently passed a bill that would make it against the law to leave a cat or a dog unattended in a car. The bill makes it illegal to leave a pet in an unintended vehicle where the temperatures reach 80 degrees or more. It doesn’t...

Local Police May Get Radar Guns

The Pennsylvania Senate recently voted to send legislation to the House which would allow local law enforcement agencies, like the State College Police, to use radar guns. Pennsylvania is the only state in the country that does not allow local police departments to...

A rise in car accidents

According to the National Safety Council, there was a 14% increase in fatal motor vehicle accidents in the first half of 2015. Contributing to the rise in collisions was the low price of gas, bad weather, and an increase in economic activity, which translates to more...

Truck accidents

If you are involved in an accident with a tractor trailer you should be aware that the trucking companies have lawyers and investigators at their immediate disposal. Most often, before the wreckage is even cleared, the insurance company’s accident investigator...

Tractor trailer accidents

If you are injured by a tractor trailer, the owner of the company in question will have a professional on their side. If you are the victim of a tractor trailer accident, you should have a professional on your side–someone who is an experienced personal injury...