While getting a speeding ticket isn’t the worst thing that can happen, it can result in a hefty fine and increase your insurance costs. You might even dispute the officer’s reasoning behind issuing the citation, which means taking the matter to court. In this case, Nerdwallet offers the following tips on what you can do after receiving a speeding ticket.

When you’re actually being issued the ticket, it’s best to comply and remain polite. Even if you believe the officer’s assessment is wrong, don’t argue or be combative. It’s also recommended that you make as few statements as possible, while also making sure to answer any questions honestly. You are allowed to ask about how your speed was clocked, and this information can sometimes be used to mount a defense.

Once the traffic stop has ended, be sure to take note of what occurred. Pertinent information can include the time of speeding ticket, where it took place, weather conditions, and virtually any other piece of information you feel as though might be helpful. It’s best to take down this information while everything is fresh in your mind so you can describe the incident as accurately as possible.

The ticket will contain information on how to plead not guilty. When getting ready for court, take your notes and any other evidence you have to present to the judge. If you have witnesses, these people can also be present to provide insight into what occurred. You can also call into question the efficacy of the device used to clock your speed and whether the machine was maintained correctly. An attorney can provide more information on possible defenses by looking at the facts of your case.