Money scams have been around for a long time, and new ways to con money out of victims are created frequently. In recent years, some scammers have formulated a scheme in which they convince victims to send them money in order to receive a larger payout of some sort. One Pennsylvania man is one of the many that have fallen prey to a scam and has recently been charged with theft due to his involvement.

The man was the treasurer of a social club when his troubles began. He was contacted by an alleged scammer and was convinced that he would receive a grant of money. In order to receive the grant, he was required to pay transfer fees upfront out of his own money. Not initially realizing it was a scam, he paid the alleged fees. Reportedly, he lost as much as $134,709.25, and in the process, he sold many possessions to continue with the fee payment.

Allegedly, the man ran out of money and dipped into the funds of the social club to continue the payments, using as much as $30,000. The social club became aware of some suspicious financial transactions, and the man allegedly admitted to his involvement through text messages and a written letter. Members of the social club turned a letter into authorities along with video footage, claiming it to be evidence of the man’s admittance of his misuse of club funds.

Embezzling funds for any reason or personal use can result in serious consequences. As in this case, serious theft charges may be filed and prosecutors may pursue a conviction. Pennsylvania criminal defense attorneys can advise individuals accused of similar crimes of the best approach to a difficult situation.

Source:, “Man embezzles from Wrightsville Social Club to pay off scam“, Maddie Crocenzi, March 31, 2018