Motor vehicle operators know that weather can and will affect the safety of the roadways. The sun’s brightness and thick snow can limit visibility. Rain and ice can result in slick roads. The Pennsylvania Department of Transpiration and the governor have recognized that some highways and interstates within Pennsylvania may be more dangerous than others in winter conditions. In order to prevent future car and truck accidents, a travel ban on certain vehicles is in effect until the weather improves.

The Pennsylvania Turnpike and a long stretch of Interstate 78 have both been identified as dangerous roadways in certain weather storms. In 2007, a snowstorm impacted stretches of Interstate 78, resulting in a 60-vehicle pileup and three deaths. During the snow storm, visibility was minimal at times and the volume of snow on the roads made it difficult to drive. Recently, a windstorm resulted in a truck flipping on its side from a strong gust of wind and injured the driver.

The ban will go into effect and targets large vehicles that typically cannot handle the bad weather conditions on the high-risk roadways. Vehicles included in the ban are tractor-trailers, trucks with empty trailers, recreational vehicles and more. The ban is expected to remain in effect until the weather conditions improve.

Because of the damage and serious injuries that can occur with serious truck accidents, there are multiple traffic laws and procedures in place, such as the new ban, to improve the safety on Pennsylvania roadways.  It is not uncommon for some drivers to ignore the rules or bans in place. When serious accidents occur and a vehicle operator has ignored regulations or has other been negligent, they may be financially responsible for damages that result. Personal injury attorneys in Pennsylvania can advise any injured victims of vehicle accidents if their case could qualify for possible compensation in civil court.

Source:, “Ban aims to avoid repeat of toppled tractor trailer on I-78“, March 6, 2018