When someone rides a motorcycle, they have little protection between them and the road in the event of an accident. When the accident involves a larger vehicle, it can cause catastrophic injuries to the bike rider. Motorcycle accidents in many circumstances are fatal. Recently, one Pennsylvania man was severely injured due to the apparent negligence of a construction worker.

The motorcyclist was traveling on the interstate when he came upon a parked construction company truck. The truck was not parked completely off the interstate but was somewhat in the passing lane. The biker states his view was blocked by other vehicles, and by the time he saw the parked truck, it was too late. He bounced off the truck, and his leg became trapped under his out-of-control motorcycle.

To add insult to injury, another vehicle drove over his bike and him. He had multiple broken bones and required multiple surgeries as a result of the crash. His injuries were so severe that his lower left leg required an amputation.

The cyclist is seeking compensation in excess of $75,000 against the construction company for lost wages and the emotional distress of dealing with all of his injuries. If the construction company is found negligent for the fact that its worker did not park the truck completely off the interstate or properly alert other drivers to the parked vehicle, the injured victim may achieve success in civil court. Riders injured in motorcycle accidents can benefit from speaking with a Pennsylvania personal injury attorney about their litigation options. 

Source: pennlive.com, “Motorcyclist sues highway contractor over I-80 accident that caused him to lose a leg“, John Beauge, Dec.12, 2016