Final exams take place December 12-16, 2016, and then people leave for the holiday break. It’s a dangerous time to be on the roads for a number of reasons. First and foremost, winter is bearing down on us, making for possibly cold and blustery trips for thousands who head home to family. But there are quite a few holiday parties that students attend either before finals to blow off some steam or after tests are over to celebrate the end of the semester (and perhaps even graduation).

Regardless of the timing and reason, it’s a good idea to remember that the police and highway patrol step up their presence on the roads during the holidays, serving assistance to those in need and also are on the lookout for those who are speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol.

Watch yourself

The combination of finals and the parties can prove to be a dangerous combination. Many students work extremely hard to finish up course work and may cut back on sleep and perhaps don’t eat the way they should. This can mean that the drinks at a party or bar are going to hit you pretty hard. Make sure to exercise caution and common sense because dangers of getting behind the wheel or even walking in this compromised state can be serious.

Some scary facts

According to MADD, there were 44,615 DUI arrests in Pennsylvania. It’s also worth noting that largest group of drivers stopped are between the ages of 21-30. Steer clear of any driver who looks the worse for wear, unless they are in need of help, and stay away from erratic drivers or notify the police if you do see them on the road.

Bad news for students

If you do find yourself in a situation where a couple drinks and post-finals exhaustion led to getting pulled over, it’s advisable to reach out to an attorney with experience in DUI defense. A DUI conviction can have a wide range of implications for students, including the possible loss of financial aid, scholarships, student loans or a Federal Pell Grant. A DUI on your record can also impact your chances of getting a job once you finish school. An attorney protecting your legal rights by working towards a dismissal or more favorable terms can make a huge impact on your case and your life for years to come.