Being accused of any crime can be damaging to a person’s future no matter the nature of the crime.  Some, like many white collar crimes, are less violent than others but still can be emotionally distressing and disruptive to one’s life. Recently, in Pennsylvania, a 54 year-old woman faced harsh penalties after being accused of theft from her former employer.

The accused female allegedly stole inventory from her employer over a span of two years. It was not until after she was fired from the office that it was discovered that inventory was missing. An eyeglass sales representative recognized that his company’s product was not on display and questioned the owner of the office. The owner then discovered inventory of about 455 or $45,000 worth of frames was in fact missing with no record of being sold. 

The owner of the practice began to research and investigate on his own.  After looking on eBay he discovered an eBay seller with multiple similar frames and brands that his office had carried in stock. On further investigation, he found many similarities between his former employer and the eBay account seller he discovered. After confronting his former employer, the eBay account became inactive within an hour of speaking with her. The owner then took his discoveries to the police who found additional evidence of their own to arrest the accused woman.

The accused woman recently had to face charges in criminal court with an unknown outcome. All persons in Pennsylvania charged with a white collar theft crime have the right to a strong defense to avoid conviction. Even if conviction of alleged crimes cannot be avoided, an experienced criminal defense attorney can improve one’s odds of receiving a lesser sentence.

Source:, “Woman charged with mass theft from employer“, Becky Metrick, Oct. 30, 2016