A person is charged with underage drinking, often referred to an “underage” or “minor’s law violation,” there are several types of penalties. For a first offense, the fine is up to $500. With any second or subsequent offense, the maximum fine jumps to $1000.

In addition to fines, a person will have their driver’s license suspended. For a first offense, it is a ninety-day suspension. A second offense carries a one year suspension. And a third or subsequent offense carries with it a two-year period of suspension.

If a person is convicted or found guilty of a minor’s law violation and they do not have a driver’s license, that person will be ineligible to apply for a learner’s permit or driver’s license for the periods of time stated above.

With regard to insurance premiums, there is some good news. Pennsylvania law provides that an insurance company shall not increase the premiums or cancel an auto insurance company shall not increase the premiums or cancel an auto insurance policy on account of a suspension for a minor’s law violation.

Finally, although it is a relatively insignificant record, a underage conviction does give a person a criminal record. The criminal record may be expunged depending upon the circumstances.